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What is the Purpose of this Site ?

Young people interested in technologies, in industrial sciences or those  who have the intention to take their A levels specializing in technical fields or plan to attend a BTS* in CIM  ( Design and Industrialization in Microtechnics ) will find information on what they will be taught,  in this site.
The above mentioned pupils or students  will be able to find materials for their classes as well as for their exam supports.
Teachers involved in technical field and who are interested in robots will find leads for their projects or  practical work .
Eventually, users of the "Topsolid" sofware, who bought the book "Practise integrated machanical CAD/CAM" will consult its additional ressources.

* "BTS" : once they have passed their "A levels" ( baccalauréat ) the French students can try to pass another degree called "BTS" (brevet de technicien supérieur ) . To do so they have to attend another 2 - year course in a technical field of their choice and be successful at the final exam.